2022 Awards: Applications are now being accepted

Applications are now being accepted for the 2022 GSPE Engineer of the Year Awards. These awards honor licensed engineers who have made outstanding contributions to the engineering profession, the public welfare, and/or humankind. The application deadline is November 19, 2021. Award categories include:

  • GSPE lifetime Achievement in Engineering
  • GSPE Engineer of the Year in Construction*
  • GSPE Engineer of the Year in Education*
  • GSPE Engineer of the Year in Government*
  • GSPE Engineer of the Year in Industry*
  • GSPE Engineer of the Year in Private Practice*
  • GSPE Young Engineer of the Year
  • GSPE Engineering Student of the Year
  • GSPE Engineering Technology Student of the Year
  • GSPE Engineering Employer of the Year
  • Engineering Organization Volunteer of the Year

*The GSPE Engineer of the Year will be the highest scoring winner in these Engineer of the Year categories.

The awardee in each category will be honored during the 2022 GSPE Engineer of the Year Awards recognition. The specific date and format (virtual or in-person) of recognition is to be determined; nominees will be notified when that information is available.

For further details and applications, please click on the links below.

Lifetime Achievement, Engineer of the Year (all categories), and Young Engineer of the Year Application Download

Engineering Student and Engineering Technology Student of the Year Application Download

Engineering Employer of the Year Application Download

Engineering Organization Volunteer of the Year Application Download