October 26 – Augusta GSPE Presents ARTS 2023 Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan

Guest Speaker Elizabeth Yarnell will lead a program on the ARTS 2023 Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan

The ARTS Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan envisions a seamless network of safe and inviting bicycling and walking paths, trails, and on-street facilities, between South Carolina, Georgia, and the four-member counties, that equitably supports economic development, active transportation, healthy lifestyles, and improved quality of life for all ages and abilities of bicyclists and pedestrians in the region.

When: October 26, 2023 @ Noon
Cost: $20/person (Chick-Fil-A Box Lunches, please email Heather.Daniel@Century3Inc.com to RSVP and with any Dietary Restrictions.
Where: Murphy Hall, 631 Telfair Street, Augusta, GA 30901


Please be cognizant of the start time so we can promptly wrap things up at 1pm